We Support
We Support
Where does the money go?
Due to the generous donations from the community and the hard work from members and volunteers, the Shed Garage Sales are a very successful fundraiser. These are just some of the beneficiaries:
- Shire Riflebutts Upgrade
- AMRzons (River Angels)
- Just Home
Cow Bay Board Riders National Titles
Individuals in need (Via referral) - Margaret River Community Children's Centre
- Margaret River Community Garden
- Margaret River Community Pantry
- Margaret River District & Agricultural Show
- Sponsorship of local sporting groups
- Margaret River Men's Shed
- Margaret River RSL Gunfire Breakfast
- Margaret River Scouts
- Right Foot Forward
- Margaret River St. Johns Ambulance
- St Johns Ambulance Courses for new mums
- Timor Leste School Leavers Trip
- IGA Food Vouchers
- Margaret River Historical Society
- Guide Dogs
- Margs Beach Bus
- Local Art Initiatives (The Hive)
- Margaret River Radio
- Salvos Toy Run
- Good Sammys
- Welfare for Refugees
- Help for Domestic Violence Survivors
Local schools (programs, welfare, awards)
Individuals working to achieve personal goals